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Completely updated guide that will help you Identify the type of car key you have in case you need a replacement or a duplicate made by an automotive locksmith.
Basic car keys usually seen in older vehicles, This key can be made in almost any hardware store.
this key is equipped with chip that’s sending a unique code to the car’s immobilizer.
The “Laser Cut” Car Key made with advanced laser cutting equipment. Hardware stores and retail chains can’t duplicate laser-cut keys
You will have this key if you own and old Jaguar or in some Ford Transit.
Tibbe keys require a specialized cutting process
The valet key works only in the ignition and the door locks this key will NOT unlock the trunk.
Normally he will by gray
VATS keys are essentially the first electronic keys, duplicating a VATS key is not as simple.
The emergency key works just like a standard key you can find it inside your smart key and it used to open the doors only.