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Electric strike

GTA LockMan install electric strikes for businesses, offices, commercial and residential buildings, and industrial facilities in Toronto & GTA.

How do electric strikes work?

Electric or electronic strikes are a locking mechanism on doors that provide a safety measure. 
A strike is the metal plate that has a hole within the door frame. 
It also is equipped with metal pieces held by hinges. 
The metal swings and the door is opened.

These strikes work on the principle that the lock engages when it reaches the strike. 
With a key, or credential, the strike releases and allows the latch to retract and you may enter through that door. 

You frequently see these in areas of restricted entry. 
The door closes behind you and the lock is again automatically engages. 
It does require electricity to operate so if there is a power outage, the door will not open.  Backup power supplies are recommended.

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The Benefits of Buzzer system

Electric Strikes Installation & Repair

These strikes have many benefits.  Since they can only be activated with a security card, pin number, or specific remote device, they offer security.
Remote systems can be used for private offices or even a bedroom. 

That allows the occupant to only allow entrance to someone they want. 
Using a pin code means that no card is necessary and you have control over who receives the exact code.
In addition, electric strikes come with a range of features and functions, including:

  • Electric strikes with keypads or card readers
  • Electric strikes with access control system integration
  • Electric strikes with manual override
  • Electric strikes with monitor

Electric Strikes Installation & Repair

electric strikes installation Toronto

Installation is quick and simple.  Because they are mounted on the frame, the technician only needs to deal with the frame. 
Other electronic openers will require installation on the door itself, which will be more complicated. 
Since they are so simple, the installation will take less time, saving money on labor as well as the materials.

Electronic strikes combined with card readers provide the advantage of credentialed entry for a higher security level. 
Using a remote buzzer gives you the ability to control traffic. 
The versatility of electric strikes means they can be used with many door and lock types and are easy to retrofit or incorporate into new construction.

These locks should not be installed on stairwell doors due to a safety hazard for individuals to leave in an emergency situation but be unable to unlock the door. 
A qualified locksmith will know this and be able to advise you on this issue as well as any other regulation or code requirements.

There are a number of manufacturers and models available on the market. 
Some are better than others.  Some are not so good at all.
Working with a qualified commercial locksmith like GTA Lockman means you will have the benefit of their experience and expertise. 
They will be able to steer you to the best products within your budget and complete the installation. 
This same company will be available for preventive maintenance or on-call in the event of emergency lock repairs.